Embed software in your organization’s social and bureaucratic infrastructure
This section will help you:
Embed software in your organization’s social and bureaucratic infrastructure
Create clear plans for staff training and software maintenance
Join a community of practice
You may encounter these frictions as you do the work of integration. These are challenges the Recommended actions are designed to solve, or that may arise as you take those actions.
Relying on a single “champion”
It is often passionate champions who take on the responsibility of forward-thinking software work. Ongoing software maintenance and staff training can disappear if this protagonist burns out, encounters too many barriers, or leaves the organization.
Lack of resources for lifetime ownership and maintenance
A contract is not the end of a procurement process, nor is final product delivery. It is important to have a detailed plan for ongoing use and maintenance.
When it comes to governing open source projects, political—not technical—skills are required. Discussing new features, allocating responsibilities, and pooling funds are all governance challenges that come with shared software.
It is crucial to document the software thoroughly. This includes technical documentation as well as operational documentation.
This includes overall architecture, modular integration protocols, APIs, specific module function, ongoing maintenance considerations.
This includes what end users should be aware of, how to train new users, and best practices for getting the most out of the software
Ensure the technical team and product owner collaborate on writing thorough documentation
Make sure that this is easily accessible, there is a clear process for updating it, and it is embedded in the training and maintenance plan
2. Creating a training and maintenance plan
There should be a robust plan for ongoing staff training and software maintenance. These can be time- and budget-intensive, so be sure to allocate resources appropriately. Both should be continuously updated as working drafts throughout the software development process, and completed when all features are built and perform at a satisfactory level.
Small incremental changes are best practice in open source development
It minimizes the risk of breaking dependencies. When everyone working on the code is in sync, any changes affect each other with minimal disturbance.
3. Releasing code under an open source license
Many national governments recommend that agencies or subnational government organizations who have developed their own software should release the code under an open source license. That way, all agencies can benefit from the code, and the burden of ongoing maintenance and support is shared.
Many governments have guidelines for choosing licenses specific to their legislative context
For example, if your open source project is an adaptation or derivative of an existing open source project, the best practice is to use the same license as the original; if it is a new open source project, the license you select will depend on the desired outcome and the licensing of any third-party software used in your project.
Choose an open source software license, and a version control platform
If it isn’t already on one, transition the code to a distributed platform like GitHub.
4. Joining a community of practice
If you used open source or built custom software, you will benefit from having a community of practice—others who use and maintain the software together. When considering collaboration, take the time to align with potential partners. Converse with your counterparts in other government or public sector agencies to gain a better understanding of what their needs are, where alignment can increase, and what shape your collaboration should take.
Form a community of practice
You might join an existing community that supports your specific software, create an entirely new community around your new software, or activate an existing network (like a Provincial CIO network) and create an open source software committee within it.
Create or complete the following outputs.
Lifetime use plan and resourcing
Release software under an open source license
Participation in a national or global community of practice
The Legal Side of Open Source
You’ve completed the Software Procurement process code!
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