Conduct an objective, fair, quantitative and qualitative assessment of bids
This section will help you:
Conduct an objective, fair, quantitative and qualitative assessment of bids
Consider direct and indirect costs associated with full software lifetime
Conduct thorough technical evaluation that mitigates downstream contract issues
You may encounter these frictions as you do the work of bid evaluation. These are challenges the Recommended actions are designed to solve, or that may arise as you take those actions.
Quality, user experience, and integrity are very difficult to quantify. In an effort to maintain objectivity, evaluation processes often default to cost-only comparison, without adequately accounting for the actual value that the solution will generate.
Choosing legacy solutions can feel safer—they appear proven or dependable. These legacy systems may be easier to understand and evaluate, but may not be the best solution for the problem statement.
Procurement norms were established for awarding high-value contracts to private sector companies. But defaulting to private sector vendors, without adequately considering non-profit or open source solutions, may sacrifice cost, quality, or opportunities for value-creating solutions.
Ineffective or disrespectful communications can result in bad relationships and compromise future procurement.
1. Creating a selection panel
The selection panel will review bids using the evaluation framework stated in the RFP. Each member will give their professional assessment of the quality of each bid, working separately and together to compare options and assign scores.
Guidelines for creating a selection panel
2. Conducting a quantitative and technical evaluation
It is important to conduct a full technical evaluation of software on offer. Does it match up to vendors’ claims? Will it work within the city’s digital environment? Is it secure?
You many need to replicate the city’s digital environment outside the city firewall
This will enable vendors (or other developers) to run demonstrations on it.
Not every municipality has technical staff who can perform technical analysis
You shouldn’t be responsible for full technical auditing. Consider hiring outside impartial technical consultants.
Software may not be testable out of the box
You can require vendors to demonstrate a clear integration and deployment plan and include the test as a contingency in the contract.
Internal staff or independent experts should perform a technical review. Explore hidden costs and issues, and determine the truth of vendors’ claims.
Test the software and ensure that it is compatible with existing technical infrastructure at the city.
3. Conducting a qualitative, user-oriented evaluation
If you are comparing existing solutions, you can test how well they address your problem statement by involving the end users.
The most important evaluation will come from end users
These are the people who will eventually be using the software, so they should be directly involved in the evaluation process.
Ask vendors for access to the software and/or schedule demonstrations
Run the potential software through the scenarios included in the RFP (literally or as a thought experiment). Invite all of the end users who contributed to the discovery research and project scoping.
4. Considering value beyond cost
Because you introduced multiple types of criteria into the RFP, you can evaluate proposals based on a number of important factors beyond cost, such as quality, long-term value creation opportunities, alignment with organizational priorities, and risk.
Panelists should review all bids individually and separately
This should happen before sharing scores and comparing options through discussion.
Start by scoring the optional criteria
These should give you a good sense of value beyond cost. Consider also your interactions with each vendor. Can you envision them as good partners?
The actions you take after making a selection are crucial for building long-term relationships with the software development community—which is important for the success of future projects.
Continue to communicate with vendors
Even those who do not win. It is a demonstration of respect.
Give all vendors a post-award debrief
Send every bidder a copy of the evaluation and the winning proposal, and offer to do debrief calls.
Conduct a selection process evaluation
Did the selection panel find the evaluation criteria effective? Were the categories limiting? Were the end users involved in a meaningful way?
Create or complete the following outputs before moving on to the next step.
Fair and objective evaluation of all bids
Choice of a winning bid or vendor
ApplicationEvaluator: an open source software tool for comparing bids
The Finnish public innovation agency has developed a tool that facilitates public procurement. It gives a quick visual overview, and is easy to adjust for different kinds of procurements. Public administrations can use, replicate and contribute to the code via GitHub.